A more efficient evolution of Fulcrum CollectDirect™, Fulcrum AirCollect™ takes unnecessary complexity, time, cost and risk out of premium collections.
Fulcrum AirCollect™ processes premiums as single debits, including net premiums due to insurers, commissions, fees and value-added product (VAP) components – but each debit is split before reaching the insurer’s bank account, with its individual components credited into separate accounts belonging to the ultimate recipient of the portion of the premium.
For example, our policyholder Jabu has a total collection of R2 000 per month, made up of a R700 motor premium due to Insurer A, a homeowner’s premium of R1 000 due to Insurer B, and a tyre protect value-added product of R100 due to VAP Provider C. The broker also needs to get his commission of R200. In this example, Jabu gets debited an amount of R2 000 and this gross collection is split in the Fulcrum AirCollect™ switch, with R700 landing in the account of Insurer A, R1 000 in Insurer B’s account, R100 in VAP Provider C’s account, and the R200 commission due to the broker ending up in his account.
This means that insurers won’t need to release commissions and VAP payments, which are instead done automatically; broker commissions are not collected into the insurer’s account; and a complex administrative balancing process by Fulcrum and the broker is eliminated. Importantly, none of the parties, including insurers, have to take the risk of their share of the gross premium passing through any other party’s bank account.
Fulcrum AirCollect™, which can accommodate both annual policy premiums and large coinsurance policies, will provide our clients with a premium collection and management solution that is sustainable, future-proof and able to evolve as the regulatory landscape does.
Fulcrum previously pioneered the direct collection concept, which fundamentally changed the premium collections landscape for the better by de-risking the insurance collection process for insurers while simultaneously keeping the broker market involved and invested in the process.
Fully compliant with insurance legislation, Fulcrum CollectDirect™ collects premiums from policyholders directly into the respective insurers’ bank accounts, removing the need for guarantees.
Fulcrum manages the entire process, including handling bank reconciliations, reporting and queries.
Fulcrum CollectDirect™ accommodates all policy administration systems.
Fulcrum Collections Legacy Model
With the Fulcrum Legacy collections system, we offer brokers, UMA's and insurers an effective electronic debit order collection service.
We collect premiums on behalf of our clients, disburse commission and fees to brokers or UMA's, and pay over premiums to insurers and any other approved parties such as value-added product providers.
Because we enjoy established relationships with all major insurers, we can cater to clients with books of business underwritten by multiple insurers.
This system is fully automated, with premium collection information readily available through our license neutral interface.
Fulcrum Additional Services
Over and above our market-leading premium collection platforms, we provide our Fulcrum Collections clients with an array of additional services as part of our offering.
All of our services are backed up by our team of dedicated, highly experienced consultants, who have the skills and expertise to ensure that our clients derive optimal benefit.
Foreign exchange, claims handling, deposits and payments
Foreign exchange
We assist clients who need to manage their premiums in foreign currency, relieving them of the hassle of forex management.
Clients who opt for this service enjoy competitive rates, and benefit from having a single service provider for their forex and collections needs.
Claims handling
Our claims handling service is perfect for insurance companies that want to limit the number of bank accounts they use, and the bank charges they pay. It’s ideal for brokers, too, as they can optimise client service delivery by fast-tracking claims payments.
Deposits and payments
We provide our clients with everything they need to effectively, transparently and conveniently manage deposits and payments.
Our systems are secure, customisable and available online 24/7, and comply with regulatory requirements.
Customised online reporting includes parameters such as account balances, debit order import summaries, rejections, payment confirmations, allocated deposits and business intelligence.
Brokers are each provided with a dedicated dual bank account, managed by us, that they share with their customers for payments.
Our reporting capability offers our insurer and broker clients complete transparency with regard to their premium collections. We offer balance to bank, monthly aggregated, payments and ageing reports.
Access to more information than ever before allows insurers to better monitor and proactively manage brokers and keep tabs on unpaid ratios.
We provide our clients with monthly reports at a minimum, but we’re flexible and can accommodate on-demand reporting.
Non-insurance collections
Many non-insurance businesses and entities – such as gyms, schools, rental agencies, body corporates and value-added product providers (VAPs), among others – also manage recurring payments such as subscriptions, fees, rent and levies.
They, too, can make the most out of Fulcrum’s collections platforms, unlocking time and money savings conveniently and in a de-risked environment.